Improving the Accuracy of Mesothelioma Diagnosis in China
Improving the Accuracy of Mesothelioma Diagnosis in China


In the Western World malignant mesothelioma (MM) is most prevalent in the pleura of older males professionally exposed to asbestos. Information about MM from rapidly industrializing countries, such as China, is minimal. There is concern that a proportion of MM diagnoses in China may be incorrect because most Chinese physicians do not have experience diagnosing this rare cancer. We recently reported an unusual high incidence of peritoneal MM among Eastern Chinese female patients. Here, we review the accuracy of MM diagnoses in China and provide suggestions to improve the accuracy of diagnosis.

Zhenying Guo∗, Michele Carbone∗, #Xing Zhang, Dan Su, Wenyong Sun, Jianlin Lou, Zhibin Gao, Dichu Shao, Junqiang Chen, Gu Zhang, Jinlin Hu, Kaiyan Chen, Fang Wang, Harvey I. Pass, Herbert Yu, Andrea Napolitano, Haining Yang, #Weiming Mao

∗Equally contributed to this manuscript

#co-corresponding authors

December 19. 2016 | doi: