0 By Oak Park Pathology Asbestos BAP1 Syndrome Environmental Carcinogenesis Genetic Research HMGB1 Presentations Research Findings 05 Jun: Our Team’s Work A Review of our Projects, Publications, and Discoveries
0 By Michele Carbone Asbestos BAP1 Syndrome Genetic Research Research Findings 12 May: High-density Array-CGH with Targeted NGS Unmask Multiple Noncontiguous Minute Deletions on Chromosome 3p21 in Mesothelioma JAMA Oncology 2017
0 By Oak Park Pathology Asbestos BAP1 Syndrome China Environmental Carcinogenesis Genetic Research Research Findings 02 Jan: Improving the Accuracy of Mesothelioma Diagnosis in China Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2016
0 By Oak Park Pathology Asbestos China Environmental Carcinogenesis Research Findings SV40 (Simian Monkey Virus) 03 Dec: Association of Asbestos Exposure With Malignant Mesothelioma Incidence in Eastern China Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2016